New Drug of Abuse

New Drug of Abuse

In the midst of the Fentanyl epidemic, there is now a new drug of abuse called Xylazine, or “Tranq.”  This is a veterinary medication used to sedate animals, but it has been leaking out onto the streets and creating issues as it has no “antidote” such as Narcan (the reversal agent used for opiate overdoses, such as Fentanyl).  Xylazine causes blurred vision, disorientation, drowsiness, staggering, and coma as some of its main effects. 

Currently, medical professionals are looking for medications that can act as an antidote to attenuate its effects.  I will keep you up to date as we learn more about this drug.  In the meantime, it is important to note that it may be added to other street drugs, often without the user being aware they are taking it. This will likely become yet an additional medication that will become a street drug problem and, as such, is a public health issue that I wanted to bring to your attention.

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