Influenza Update

Influenza Update

As you know, each year a new influenza vaccine is created based on the most likely predominant strain.  The good news is this year’s vaccine seems to be quite effective.  Unfortunately, currently the US is seeing an enormous surge in influenza with 23,000 people already hospitalized.  This is 12 times higher than what we saw in 2019. Hospitals in California are using overflow tents to accommodate patients. Typically, we see the flu reach its peak in January, so this is an early flu season.  

This year the surge of this strain from Australia is thought to be due to several factors according to the CDC.  The fact that we no longer wear masks, practice social distancing and are now out and about and not isolated indoors may contribute to the numbers.  Also, during the pandemic, people were not exposed to viruses we typically encounter so our immune systems can be said to be “out of shape.”  Just like a muscle, the immune system needs a workout to remain strong and avoid atrophy. 

I should also add that during the pandemic we had mild flu seasons which means our immune systems were not able to be trained.  The famous comedian George Carlin once spoke about vaccines and noted that in Harlem where he grew up, polio was a major issue but not in his section as they swam in the East River.  He noted that polio was not an issue in his community because their immune systems were tempered in raw sewage which gave their immune systems a vigorous workout. 

Finally, we are seeing “vaccine fatigue,” meaning many people are just sick and tired of vaccinations and may not be getting the flu vaccine.  Flu vaccination is down 5% this year.

When I was in graduate school training to be a scientist, (before I was a physician), although my chosen field was pharmacology (the study of medications), I focused a great deal on virology.  We studied influenza in depth, and we were told in order to come up with the vaccine, they pick the most likely strain to hit.  Basically, they came right out and said it was an educated guess. We were also informed that the vaccine may not protect you from getting the flu but was likely to keep the infection in check to the point that it does not result in hospitalizations and complications.  This includes pregnant women who are advised by the CDC to get vaccinated to protect both the mother and baby.  The CDC also recommends children above the age of 6 months receive the flu vaccine.

Unfortunately, we are seeing a large number of other respiratory tract infections such as RSV (respiratory syncicial virus) and COVID (yes, it is still around and subvariants keep popping up) which complicate illnesses and are more likely to result in hospitalization including the children.  I will address RSV in another post. As for the new “bivalent” COVID vaccine, the CDC recommends if you have not received a booster in 6 months or had COVID in the past 3-4 months to get the new booster.  This new booster contains the “original recipe” used in the first two vaccines and 2 boosters, but also covers some of the subvariants which certainly make people ill, but not to the extent that they are dying.  In short, the subvariants are mutated strains of COVID that are more infectious but less deadly.

People ask if it is safe to receive both the flu and COVID vaccines and the answer is yes.  You just get an injection in each arm.

A “natural” therapy for both prevention and treatment is an over-the-counter nasal spray called “Xlear.”  This all-natural spray is made from a type of sugar called Xylitol.  Think of it as both a lubricant to prevent the dry nose so common in winter and a barrier to bacteria and respiratory viruses such as colds, flu, and possibly COVID (as it is a respiratory virus that starts in the nose).  Xlear forms both a physical barrier and prevents respiratory viruses from adhering to the mucosa and taking root in the nostrils where it replicates and spreads.  You can use it several times throughout the day.  I would take 2 sprays in each nostril twice daily when not ill, 2 sprays 2-3 times daily when exposed to other people who are ill, and 3-4 times daily when acutely ill.  

I have partnered with a company called Doctor’s Supplement Store so my patients can order their supplements from a reputable source that has an independent third-party verifying purity and potency to avoid counterfeiting and contamination.  Please go to and create an account using the registration code AM366 when prompted.  Once you log in to DSS, I have listed instructions to guide you when ordering.

I hope that helps and I wish you and your families a happy and healthy year.

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